Monday, November 16, 2009

The Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular!

To celebrate Daniel's 9th birthday and Benjamin's 7th birthday, we had a wild adventure of a birthday party--right in our backyard!! We had 56 kids join us for the celebration . . . just amazing!! The party started with an Indiana Jones Stunt Show. Indiana Jones (played by Dad!) battled a ferocious bad guy (played by Uncle Vince!) on the roof of our house. It was close, and Indy was pretty banged up, but he eventually escaped! Indiana Jones then joined the party, leading us over to the park across the street for two games. First we had a mummy-wrapping contest and then a treasure hunt. Then we headed over to the picnic tables for a birthday treat. Chilled monkey brains were served to all the party-goers. Okay, they were really vanilla cupcakes, but they were made to look like monkey brains! After eating, we went back home where the "Bug Lady" was ready to give us kids one last treat. She gave an awesome presentation on bugs and arachnids and then all of the kids (who wanted to!) were able to hold some of her creatures--including a millipede, giant cockroaches and fascinating stick bugs! What a great day, and thankfully, the rain stopped right as the party was starting. Thank you God for great friends, great weather and a great day!

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